Gosh, Mike, You are my hero!!!
I used to have a love bird, and he ruled the roost. My cats never bothered him, they were too afraid, even my american pit bull, ''clamps'' gave him respect! lol
Anyway, good job today, got any pizza left??
i'll let you know right now, i've got a big soft spot for animals.
(except spiders) .
kittens especially.
Gosh, Mike, You are my hero!!!
I used to have a love bird, and he ruled the roost. My cats never bothered him, they were too afraid, even my american pit bull, ''clamps'' gave him respect! lol
Anyway, good job today, got any pizza left??
may you all have peace.
last night when i went to bed, my heart was quite heavy: there were things on it, in it, thereon... whatever... that i could not reconcile: i know what i have heard from my lord - how do i get others who love him to grasp that such a thing is possible, to understand that they do not have to take my word for it, but can ask him, for i am nothing more than a good-for-nothing-slave... and have "sold" myself into the "service" of the one who "bought" me... so that it is his will that i must obey... whether earthling man hears... or refrain?
this is not new "fight" with me, let me tell you: i know exactly how jeremiah felt, for i cannot count the times my heart has felt the same thing.
what is it that really irritates you ,i mean the most annoying ,thing that when you see it or hear it you just clench your teeth,we all have them so let's hear yours.mine is religious boasting.there is this home builder that advertises on tv and says his crap then says we are a christien company.oh yes , because he said that i would trust him more then anyone else,he must have higher standards.
(ya right).or those people who advertise with bumper stickers of their religion,and yes the freaking door bell ringers trying to push their crap on me.isn't it what you feel inside?why advertise to everyone?does it make you feel more important or more religious?because of the attempt to show me that you have faith does not make me feel i could trust you.
this is just one of my irritants and hope not do offend,everyone has the right.
Buying new picture frames,, and the price sticker is super glued onto the glass
Late charges (obviously I was having a money problem to start with, so thanks for the kick in the teeth)
People who just can't freakin' resist telling me the outcome of new movies, before I have seen them
as the news item posted below reports, the uk government is considering the introduction of a new offence of corporate manslaughter.. .
i wonder how this will affect the minds of the watchtower legal dept' as they try to cover their masters 'corporate' asses once again.. .
while still holding out against any meaningful reform of their fatal 'no blood transfusion' policy they will now have to justify themselves as the originators, promoters and enforcers of said policy while simutaneously attempting to absolve themselves of any responsibility of the consequences thereof.. .
as the news item posted below reports, the uk government is considering the introduction of a new offence of corporate manslaughter.. .
i wonder how this will affect the minds of the watchtower legal dept' as they try to cover their masters 'corporate' asses once again.. .
while still holding out against any meaningful reform of their fatal 'no blood transfusion' policy they will now have to justify themselves as the originators, promoters and enforcers of said policy while simutaneously attempting to absolve themselves of any responsibility of the consequences thereof.. .
In the US, there has been a case where a neo-nazi group gave public speeches, printed propaganda, and had rules for remaining a member. When some of the members killed a black man, the mother of the victim sued the org. and won. The court said they made their own rules, enforced them, and were responsible for the outcome.
The mother now owns the entire compound, and seized all of their assets....I wish I could remember the details, the name of the group and all, maybe someone else can help me fill in the blanks?
right mouse click here and save it.
) right mouse click the link above.
) select "save target as..." .
Thanks for the laughs, Yizuman and Hamas. My kids got a kick out of the pics.
What makes it really good, is the fighting cats, I swear they look exactly like ours!!!
My husband thought I had somehow recorded them, and he wondered where I was today that had wooden floors! ha ha ha
BTW, a fluff thread can be very useful, to share with kids here, and educate them about the dangers of JW's at the same time.
Also, Hamas, I just found your site last night, it is one of the better ones, chok full of information, and done in a respectful manner, congratulations and thanks for your work dear.
what would you teach them with regards to religion, spirituality, god?
i often wonder about this since i don't have any "beliefs" now or belong to any religous group.
(sphere's thread got me thinking again) what if your children wanted to become a dub?
Finally, a thread I can give an experienced answer to! lol. I am the mom of four. Ages 11, 14 15 and 20
I daresay, that children have no inborn desire for religion. It is something I have always pondered. They have no natural curiousity about it. I guess it is something that they don't think about until they are older.
I am a fairly new Christian, for the past five years, or so. I took my three youngest to church for awhile, and they seemed to enjoy all the activities and such. They believe in God, but are not consumed by dogma.
Other than a basic education in Christianity, they hold to no doctrines, I will let them decide on their own. I was made to attend the kingdom hall as a kid, and I hated it so much, and got very rebelious about it, so I would never force my kids to attend any place, or make them convert.
My kids are too educated about JW's and others to ever fall for the boloney. I have told them about the dubs, and even share some of the posts here with them. I have raised them to question the strange and unusual, and they do.
Thanks for the interesting post.
as the news item posted below reports, the uk government is considering the introduction of a new offence of corporate manslaughter.. .
i wonder how this will affect the minds of the watchtower legal dept' as they try to cover their masters 'corporate' asses once again.. .
while still holding out against any meaningful reform of their fatal 'no blood transfusion' policy they will now have to justify themselves as the originators, promoters and enforcers of said policy while simutaneously attempting to absolve themselves of any responsibility of the consequences thereof.. .
It would seem this is a national law, if passed.
Since the tower is in America, I don't think they could prosecute. Even in the most awful circumstances. Does international law provide for going after a corporation in another country?
i talked with a jehovah witness and he told me that god only helped those who obeyed him, that it said somewhere in the bible.
the discussion came when i told him about soldiers asking god for help.
he said that god wouldn't listent to them because the soldiers knew they were sinning by killing and they kept on doing it.
An excellent point star, and one I had never considered before.
I believe God loves us all, regardless of our position in life. For someone to think they have God's personal phone number is to be proud, exclusive, and downright silly.
had dinner in a resto with a dub friend.
he told me the bros were very very concerned about the latest court proceedings concerning blainville.
seems the wt thinks it might lose.
Nice pun Wanna. follow SUIT
Tee hee heee